<pfor="toggle-blacklist-desc"class="note hidden"data-localize="__MSG_blackListModeDescription__">Apply the custom user-agent string to all tabs except the tabs with the following top-level hostnames (comma-separated list of hostnames). Note that even if a window-based user-agent string is set from the toolbar popup, your browser's default user-agent string is used.</p>
<pfor="toggle-whitelist-desc"class="note hidden"data-localize="__MSG_whiteListModeDescription__">Only apply the custom user-agent string to the tabs with following top-level hostnames. Note that if a window-based user-agent string is set from the toolbar popup, this user-agent will overwrite the global one.</p>
<pfor="toggle-custom-desc"class="note hidden"data-localize="__MSG_customModeDescription__">Try to resolve the user-agent string from a JSON object; otherwise either use the default user-agent string or use the one that the user is set from the popup interface. Use "*" as the hostname to match all domains. You can randomly select from multiple user-agent strings by providing an array instead of a fixed string. If there is a "_" key in your JSON object which refers to an array of hostnames, then the extension only randomly selects the user-agent string once for each hostname inside this list. This is useful if you don't want the random user-agent to change until this browser session is over.</label> Press <ahref="#"id="sample">here</a> to insert a sample JSON object.</p>
<labelfor="cache"data-localize="__MSG_cache__">Use caching to improve performance (recommended value is true). Uncheck this option only if you are using the custom mode and also you need the user-agent string to be altered from the provided list on every single request.</label>
<labelfor="exactMatch"data-localize="__MSG_exactMatch__">Use exact matching (if checked, you will need to insert all sub-domains in the white-list and black-list modes to be considered. If unchecked, all the sub-domains are passing the matching condition (e.g: www.google.com passes the matching if google.com is in the list))</label>
<pfor="toggle-protected-desc"class="note hidden"data-localize="__MSG_disableSpoofingDescription__">A comma-separated list of keywords that the extension should not spoof the user-agent header. Use this list to protect URLs that contain these protected keywords. Each keyword need to be at least 5 char long.</p>
<pfor="toggle-parser-desc"class="note hidden"data-localize="__MSG_customUserAgentParsingDescription__">A JSON object to bypass the internal user-agent string parsing method. The keys are the actual user-agent strings and the value of each key is an object of the keys that need to be set for the "navigator" object. You can use the "[delete]" keyword if you want a key in the "navigator" object to get deleted. Press <ahref="#"id="sample-2">here</a> to insert a sample JSON object.</p>
<pfor="toggle-sibling-desc"class="note hidden"data-localize="__MSG_siblingHostnamesDescription__">A JSON array that contains one or more groups of hostnames to have a single user-agent string per group. For all hostnames in one group, the user-agent string calculation only occurs once, and all the other members use the same calculated string. This is useful to make sure a group of connected websites only access to the same user-agent string. Press <ahref="#"id="sample-3">here</a> to insert a sample JSON array.</p>
<divclass="admin">This extension supports managed storage. All the preferences can be pre-configured by <ahref="https://add0n.com/useragent-switcher.html#faq20">the domain administrator</a></div>